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Governance, Risk & Compliance

Aquila I  Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) provides a structured framework to align IT with business objectives, manage risks, and ensure adherence to industry and government regulations. It streamlines vendor performance assessment, compliance, asset utilization, and risk management. It prioritizes vendors, promotes transparency, reduces manual effort, and enhances audit accuracy, fostering trust and collaboration for improved risk management and compliance across organizations.

With Aquila I GRC you achieve

Aquila I GRCM revolutionizes audit management by adopting a risk-focused methodology that simplifies the entire audit lifecycle within a unified platform. Experience an extensive dashboard that provides crucial insights into governance, risk management, and compliance across your organization, enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities.



Provide stakeholders a single point of view to monitor and manage compliance risk.

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Organisation Dashboard

Vendor Dashboard 

Internal Dashboard 

Asset Dashboard

Auditor Dashboard



Securely collaborate with your third-party vendors, Internal Stakeholders and asset owners


​Create, update, distribute, and track acknowledgment of policies and procedures.


Breakdown complex compliance requirements like ISO 27001, RBI, SEBI, GDPR, HIPAA, NIST


Plan, manage, and report on internal and external audits, and track findings and corrective actions.


Track and update compliance frameworks with regulation changes and alert users of impacts.


​Identify, assess, and mitigate compliance risks, and monitor and report effectiveness.

Why is Aquila I GRCM so important ?

Report, track, and investigate compliance incidents, and analyze data to prevent recurrence.

Develop, deliver, and track compliance training programs and employee understanding.

Maintain a centralized, version-controlled repository for compliance documents to ensure secure access and retrieval.

Generate compliance reports and dashboards, and identify gaps and trends through analytics.

Assess and monitor third-party compliance, track certifications and manage due diligence.

Version control to ensure access to the latest documents.

Ensure timely completion of compliance activities through
reminders and notifications.

Move Beyond Excel: Optimize Compliance with
Aquila I GRC Management Tool

Get a Demo today for Governance, Risk & Compliance Management.

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