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Breach & Attack Simulation

Similar to ongoing, automated penetration testing, Aquila I BAS can detect cyber defense flaws for an enterprise. In order to maximize security resources and reduce cyber vulnerability, the Aquila I BAS solution recommends and prioritizes remediation over only pen testing and red team insights.

Key Features

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) and other hostile entities are simulated, evaluated, and validated by a cybersecurity breach simulator.


Breach and assault systems offer continuous coverage by integrating and automating purple teaming approaches.  This provides a better visibility due to their defence readiness.


Malware attacks on endpoints, data espionage, and sophisticated APT attacks that target the most valuable assets can all be simulated in a breach simulation.

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This is crucial because, given enough time, attackers can overcome any security arrangement, making continuous testing the most efficient method of risk mitigation.



Analyze Your Infrastructure Security Posture with Dedicated Dashboard

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Identify, prioritise, and resolve security flaws in the face of a vast and continuously developing collection of attacks.

Technical reports analyse the simulated attacks and use standards-based risk ratings to help IT and security teams determine which mitigations and actions are most important to implement first.

Obtaining a report on simulations completed will help you confirm the efficiency of your endpoint security against threat evolutions.

Why Aquila I BAS?

Expert Purple Teaming

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Fastest Turn Around

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Most Comprehensive

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Easiest To Implement

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Deeply Integrated into Security Ecosystem

Aquila I BAS is a part of the ecosystem for cyber security. Whether it's helping Aquila I implement our product plan or offering in-depth integrations that make Aquila I BAS the Complete Security Validation Platform.

Want to Secure your Infrastructure from Breaches ?

Get a Demo today for Breach & Attack Simulation.

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